Female Agency, Mobility and Socio-cultural Change

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    Project Manager :
    Anna Franzil

    The feminisation of migration is one of the most significant social patterns to have emerged during the last century. Too often, female migrants occupy vulnerable positions in their host societies, engaging in domestic work, sex work, or labour in other unregulated sectors. Yet despite being vulnerable, and despite established patterns of exploitation, the number of women choosing to migrate is on the rise. This research, undertaken by the UNU Institute on Globalization, Culture and Mobility, seeks to develop alternative narratives. Instead of more tales of victimhood, vulnerability, and exploitation, this research highlights the opportunities migration can offer for female empowerment. A specific area of focus is how global south-to-north migration can engender new sociocultural horizons among female migrants.

    • Anna Franzil
      Project Manager
    • Valeria Bello Valeria Bello Senior Research Fellow
    • Tendayi Bloom
    • Megha Amrith
    • Parvati Nair