Regularization Programs Within the European Union: An Effective Tool to Manage Irregular Migration?

    Regularization Programs Within the European Union: An Effective Tool to Manage Irregular Migration?
    by Claire Mc Govern

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    Irregular migration across Europe has been a long term pertinent issue for policy makers. As a growing phenomenon in recent years, it now poses major challenges as to how best to manage and monitor the situation. In 2013, the UN General Assembly High– level Dialogue on International Migration and Development called upon Governments to protect the human rights of migrants in an irregular situation. Within the EU, this is particularly relevant, given that throughout the last decade much of the EU discourse has been dominated by a need to prevent and reduce irregular migration, rather than addressing policies which may work to manage the issue, and in doing so acknowledging the vulnerability of migrants. As a policy tool, regularization programs have repeatedly acted as a way to address the rising numbers of unauthorized migrants within the borders of the European Union (EU) member states. From an irregular migrant’s point of view, reguarlization programs can dramatically change their life, representing an opportunity to access their rights, state welfare and opportunities to progress in and contribute to society. Due to the diversity of situations within each member state, and the different actors involved, programs tend to be of a multidimensional nature, which are implemented in reaction to various aspects of the issue, from the presence of large numbers of irregular migrants, to labour market conditions and humanitarian issues (Kraler et al, 2014). The report aims to illustrate that throughout the last decade, regularization programs have continued to fulfil a purpose within EU member states.