On Wednesday 10th December 2014, UNU-GCM held a morning of research seminars with presentations given by Visiting Researchers, Talha Jalal and Knut Graw.
Talha Jalal spoke on ‘The Displacement of Minorities in Syria and Iraq: Implications for Human Security’. The seminar focussed on a regional context in which violence and the displacement of minorities are concerns that straddle multiple borders. It highlighted the limitations of the concept of human security, as it is used in international policy frameworks, to address this situation and made a case for adopting the idea of cultural security: the freedom to negotiate individual and collective identities. The lively debate that followed reflected the timely relevance of this topic in the current period of conflict and displacement in Syria and Iraq.
UNU-GCM researchers were pleased to engage with the interesting and important research being done by the Visiting Researchers, and to share these discussions with participants in attendance from other institutes in Barcelona.