Private migration enforcement and vulnerable migrants: UNU-GCM intervention now available

  • 2013•11•01

    It is now possible to access UNU-GCM’s intervention for the Second Interactive Round Table of the UN High Level Dialogue on 3th October 2013 from the UN Population website. This Round Table focused on ‘Measures to ensure respect for and protection of the human rights of all migrants, with particular reference to women and children, as well as to prevent and combat the smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons and to ensure orderly, regular and safe migration’. UNU-GCM’s contribution argues that the role of the private sector in supporting state migration control measures needs to be examined in the light of the states’ obligations towards vulnerable migrants. The intervention is based on research carried out in preparation for the first set of reports for UNU-GCM’s second research programme, ‘Statelessness and Transcontinental Migration’. The full reports will be made public via the UNU-GCM website in due course.