Contribution to the IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook: Cultural and Religious Diversity in Europe

  • 2014•11•25

    Professor Dr. Parvati Nair, Founding Director of UNU-GCM, contributes to the eleventh edition of the IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook 2014, with a piece on ‘Cultural and Religious Diversity in Europe: The Challenges of Pluralism’. This contribution illustrates how the meeting of cultures is a key concern in Europe, from the emergence of tensions and extremism, to the fact that the way Europe deals with diversity has always been at the core of its own process of identity construction. The challenges of pluralism are particularly apparent in the Mediterranean region. As the piece highlights, ‘the Mediterranean continues to be a point, not solely of contact, but of crossings. As such, it is Europe’s most porous border, a significant source of European pluralities and a significant challenge to policies that seek to both contain and engage with pluralism in ways that uphold Europe over and above its “others”’.

    The full piece can be found here: Cultural and Religious Diversity in Europe