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Director Parvati Nair to speak at Migration Events in New York

  • 2016•09•08

    Director Parvati Nair is scheduled to speak at several upcoming events on migration in New York, just few days ahead of the United Nations summit on addressing large movements of refugees and migrants taking place on 19 September. These events have been organized by the Government of Catalonia in partnership with the Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs, the Migration Policy Institute and the EU Studies Center of CUNY to foster a candid dialogue not only on the root causes and challenges of this crisis, but also on providing innovative solutions.

    On 15 September Prof. Dr. Nair will be speaking at an event entitled Is Successful Integration Possible? Best Practices from North America and Europe. With both the United Nations and the Obama administration about to convene international conferences on migration, this session serves as a timely discussion of public administration best practices on this critical global issue.

    On 16 September, she will participate in The Mediterranean Dimension of the Refugee Crisis: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities for Cooperation as part of a panel discussion on Innovative Integration Models: Supporting and Protecting Refugees along the Entire Migration Continuum. As record numbers of refugees and migrants undertake journeys across the Mediterranean, policymakers are faced with the challenging tasks of receiving, protecting, and integrating new arrivals—at every stage of their migration journey—while maintaining public confidence in an increasingly immigration-skeptic climate. This session examines what we know about promising approaches to settle and integrate newcomers, including the links between development and stability in the region and integration, and how to garner support for these policies in host communities. A critical component of this will be understanding what drives complex public reactions to immigration, and how policymakers and civil society can innovate to combat xenophobia, better understand rising support for populist parties, and assuage fears of loss of identity.