2015 Annual Report

  • 2016•06•29

    UNU-GCM is pleased to announce the publication of our 2015 Annual Report, which details our research, collaborations, events and publications over the course of the past year.

    Here is an excerpt of the message from our Director, Parvati Nair:

    As questions of migration and refuge reached unprecedented levels of global attention in 2015, the work of UNU-GCM gained in relevance and timeliness. UNU-GCM’s research focus on culture and mobility in the context of globalization addresses major global debates and issues surrounding migration. With this in mind, our areas of research have been selected in line with key social and cultural issues across a variety of migratory contexts. In 2015, we carried through a plan of work on the second research program on Statelessness and Transcontinental Migration and launched a multi-faceted research program on Female Agency, Mobility and Socio-Cultural Change. We have engaged in a series of collaborations with entities and researchers in Spain and have presented our work at global forums.

    We have in place a regular system and rhythm of publications, whereby we target readership and outreach in forums that are both scholarly and related to the formation of policy. UNU-GCM’s role as coordinator of the UNU Migration Network further enabled very engaged membership for UNU within the Global Migration Group, with involvement in 2015 at both support and working levels. This provides the context within which to harness our research to the overarching frame of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and 2030 Agenda.

    With ongoing support from our hosts, we look forward to continuing our work and contributing in useful ways to the production and dissemination of knowledge on culture and mobility in Barcelona, Spain and more globally.