UNU Institute on Globalization, Culture and Mobility (UNU-GCM) in Barcelona has ceased operations as of 1/1/2019. Read more

Film Screening: Mediterranea


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  • DATE / TIME:
    2016•04•13    18:00 - 20:30

    UNU-GCM invites you to a screening of Mediterranea, film by Jonas Carpignano. The event will include a discussion by Dr. Yosefa Loshitzky, Professorial Research Associate at the Centre for Media and Film Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London.

    To register, please email Àngels Fàbregues at fabregues@unu.edu with your name and ID number by Friday, 8 April at 18h.


    Film synopsis:

    Two best friends journey across desert and sea from Burkina Faso to Southern Italy in search of a better life, economically and otherwise. But when they arrive in Rosarno, the glittering snapshots they saw on Facebook detailing the immigrant’s life abroad do not match with the tough challenges they are met with in their new lives. One friend begins to assimilate through hard work and a sympathetic employer, who welcomes him into his family, while the other friend grows increasingly disillusioned with his hardscrabble reality. A vicious attack on the migrant community explodes into a full-blown riot, sending both friends into wildly different futures.

  • Mediterranea

    (7.1 MB PDF)

  • Sant Manuel Pavilion, Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site
    c/ Sant Antoni Maria Claret 167
    Barcelona 08025
