Crises of Immigration: Annual Guest Lecture by Noam Chomsky

  • DATE / TIME:
    2016•11•05    18:00 - 20:00
    Barcelona, Spain

    UNU-GCM is pleased to announce that Professor Noam Chomsky will give our 2016 Annual Guest Lecture on Saturday, November 5th in Barcelona. Professor Chomsky will give a lecture entitled “Crises of Immigration”, considering the cultural, moral and political realities of current immigration crises.

    Crises of Immigration

    Pope Francis captured the essence of the “immigration crisis” in simple words: “Migrants are not a danger — they are in danger.” Sometimes, however, such crises are objectively real: in Lebanon, for example, where some 40% of the population are refugees. There have also been immigration crises of extreme objective severity: notoriously, for the native populations in settler-colonial societies. Sometimes immigration crises are culturally and morally real: in the rich and powerful countries, where the shocking reaction to refugees is a profound moral crisis, a political crisis as well, particularly in those countries with a large share of responsibility for creating the refugee crisis – and who have been creating a crisis that will soon be of colossal proportions unless they take drastic actions to curb the destruction of an environment that can sustain organized human life.

    Noam Chomsky is an American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian, logician, social critic and globally influential activist, widely known as the father of modern linguistics. He is one of the most widely quoted intellectuals living today and is the author of over 100 books on topics such as linguistics, war, politics and mass media. Professor Chomsky holds a PhD in linguistics from the University of Pennsylvania; he joined the faculty at MIT in 1955 and was appointed full professor in 1961.

    Attendance is free but registration is required in order to get your personal entrance ticket. Limited seats available.

    Registration for the 2016 Annual Guest Lecture with Noam Chomsky is closed.

    Simultaneous translation from English to both Spanish and Catalan will be provided in the Auditorium during the lecture. For those unable to attend, live streaming will be available in English at


    La asistencia es gratuita pero se requiere inscripción previa para obtener el tique de acceso. Plazas limitadas.

    Las inscripciones para asistir a la Annual Guest Lecture

    Durante la conferencia se ofrecerá traducción simultánea del inglés al castellano y al catalán. Para quien no pueda asistir, se ofrecerá transmisión en vivo y en directo (live streaming) en inglés en:


    L’assistència és gratuïta, però es requereix inscripció prèvia per a obtenir el tiquet d’accés. Places limitades.

    Les inscripcions per assistir a l’Annual Guest Lecture amb Noam Chomsky estan tancades (places disponibles esgotades).

    Durant la conferència s’oferirà traducció simultània de l’anglès al català i al castellà. Per a qui no hi pugui assistir, s’oferirà reproducció en temps real (live streaming) en anglès a:

    Date / Fecha / Data :
    Saturday, November 5th 2016 / Sábado, 5 Noviembre 2016 / Dissabte, 5 Novembre 2016

    Time / Hora:
    6pm UTC +01:00

    Location / Localización / Localització 

    Palau de Congressos de Catalunya
    Av. Diagonal, 661-671,
    08028 Barcelona ESPAÑA


    Palau de Congressos de Catalunya
    Av. Diagonal, 661-671,
    08028 Barcelona ESPAÑA