Conference: Cities of Welcome, Cities of Transit

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  • DATE / TIME:
    2016•07•14 - 2016•07•15
    Barcelona, Spain

    Cities of Welcome, Cities of Transit is a conference organised by UNU-GCM, openDemocracy and the School of Law, Queen Mary University of London. It will be held July 14-15 at the Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site in Barcelona, Spain

    This timely conference will look at the ways in which the arrival and transit of refugees is currently shaping urban environments across Europe, and generating various forms of solidarity and welcoming, as well as tension and violence. This is a highly topical issue with a number of legal and policy parameters that have not been fully analysed and there is a lot to be gained from bringing together those most closely involved –civil society organisations, activists, academics and local policy makers – and others with key insights such as academics and legal experts for the purpose of knowledge exchange, before an interested global public.

    The conference report, which outlines the discussion and recommendations, is available here.

  • 2016 Conference Flyer

    (1.8 MB PDF)

    Conference Programme

    (1.2 MB PDF)

    Conference Report

    Conference Report (4.8 MB PDF)


    Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site
    Barcelona, Spain